Kerry's got a new Co... Eksonic
Feb 22, 2022 at 6:18 AM Post #16 of 303
When can we expect price and dimensions of each amp? The Aeras looking smaller than a typical stax amp and being advertised to capture the sound of the T2 looks like a big win for estat users.

I hope many people get to hear these 2 at canjam. For some, this could be their first time hearing an estat system. If it is, I'm sure they will be blown away. For me, while getting an x9000 and T2 sounds like an awesome combo, I think based on the space I have available the Aeras looks to be the amp I'll be looking into.

Congrats Kerry, even though I won't be going to canjam, we're all rooting for you!
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Feb 22, 2022 at 5:54 PM Post #17 of 303
Ive actually have one unit already for about a year almost now and what I can say is they compare very well to his T2 that I had the pleasure of trying side by side many times with the same dac, cables and headphones.

Both are amazing and what I can say is most of the time the difference may be down to preference and synergy with other gear for me. But for sure the size is a huge win, as I do extended stays in UK Nowadays the selectable voltage feature is great and im not sure if its readily possible with T2.

if you can be sure to give it a try first hand.
Feb 24, 2022 at 4:57 AM Post #19 of 303
Thank you.

The Aeras will sell for 5,995 Euro and $6,695 USD. The euro fluctuates against the dollar, but we'll keep the pricing as is, unless there are some larger swings.

We're going to offer a show special of 10% off which I can extend here as well through mid-March.
Which tubes does the Aeras use?
Feb 27, 2022 at 8:08 PM Post #20 of 303
Had a chance to listen to this amp (Aeras), and very much liked what I heard. Absolute beast of an amp, and the smaller form-factor is a huge plus.

Very much interested in potentially (and finally) getting a Stax set-up, and Eksonic is high on the list for Amplification needs after an impressive CanJam.
Feb 28, 2022 at 3:42 AM Post #22 of 303
Congratulations on the new enterprise and wish you best of luck Kerry.
I always like the pictures of your build.

If I may ask what differentiates Aeras from more established options like bhse or Carbon?
I understand that most of the market will consist of people who already have those previous amps and find about this new one and get the itch to try it. But for the more sensible part of the electrostat market, let’s say the monogamous part, what aspect of Aeras would be appealing to them?
Feb 28, 2022 at 6:37 AM Post #23 of 303
how much will be a custom T2 from Eksonic? will you also build 240V version for UK/HK market?
Feb 28, 2022 at 4:32 PM Post #24 of 303
Thank Joe and Kerry once again for audition in CanJam on the DIY T2 and Aeras, was the highlight for me certainly that I went back the second time on the same day. It is unfortune that I was not able to attend Sunday's meeting due to work. I should be placing an order on the Aeras in the upcoming days once I off-load some of my gears to fund this amp.

As impressive as the T2 is, given Aeras footprint and able to produce most of the sound signature of the T2 is equally if not more impressive. Aeras was warm to touch, never hot which is a plus. If I recall the Aeras probably similar size to my Bottlehead Crack amp. One of the thing Kerry said correct me if I am wrong, there is a voltage selector switch in the back of the Aeras for 115V/230V making it easier for buyers or Kerry I think if a unit ever resell to a different part of the world.
Feb 28, 2022 at 4:41 PM Post #25 of 303
Thank Joe and Kerry once again for audition in CanJam on the DIY T2 and Aeras, was the highlight for me certainly that I went back the second time on the same day. It is unfortune that I was not able to attend Sunday's meeting due to work. I should be placing an order on the Aeras in the upcoming days once I off-load some of my gears to fund this amp.

As impressive as the T2 is, given Aeras footprint and able to produce most of the sound signature of the T2 is equally if not more impressive. Aeras was warm to touch, never hot which is a plus. If I recall the Aeras probably similar size to my Bottlehead Crack amp. One of the thing Kerry said correct me if I am wrong, there is a voltage selector switch in the back of the Aeras for 115V/230V making it easier for buyers or Kerry I think if a unit ever resell to a different part of the world.
Good to know that it's only warm and not hot. A trait I really like.
Did you have any Chance to compare it to the Woo 3ES?
Feb 28, 2022 at 4:45 PM Post #26 of 303
Yes, the Aeras does have a voltage selector switch so you can travel the world with great audio in a suitcase..... Ha.

Correct on temperature also, I play my hours everyday and the plate temperature tops out and stays at only 100 degrees F.
Feb 28, 2022 at 4:47 PM Post #27 of 303
Yes, the Aeras does have a voltage selector switch so you can travel the world with great audio in a suitcase..... Ha.

Correct on temperature also, I play my hours everyday and the plate temperature tops out and stays at only 100 degrees F.
That’s exactly what I do with it now!
Feb 28, 2022 at 5:15 PM Post #28 of 303
Good to know that it's only warm and not hot. A trait I really like.
Did you have any Chance to compare it to the Woo 3ES?
It is really comparing apple to orange, because setup were completely different.

Aeras (pre-production) -> DIY DAC --> Stax SR-007 MK1/Stax SR-009
Woo 3ES --> DAC?? not visible --> Audeze CBRN/Stax SR-X9000

Aeras sounds lively, engaging, the music sounds rich, the frequency is very distinctive. Vocal very present, bass impactful and great detail, soundstage probably difficult to identify because on the Sennheiser HD800 is known for huge soundstage but sounds so empty, the Stax soundstage similar size maybe slighter behind??? what makes it difficult for me to identify the correct soundstage is the entire stage is rich and full of music unlike the HD800 you just hear the distant sound traveling through the space if I am making any sense.

Woo setup still got the great details, but the richness and engaging part is left out making it sounds sterile or analytical sounding? Better than the Sennheiser HD800 in this regard, but not close to the Aeras setup.

This is just my impression, so is not a definite match with what you might hear.
Feb 28, 2022 at 5:57 PM Post #29 of 303
This is the exact timeline of the CanJam meeting for me and how it impact my whole impression of this meeting. Saturday 2/26/22 it was 9:53AM Ethan took the picture, if you look at the CanJam Impression thread I am the guy in the first picture where there is a long line, matter of fact I am in the middle of the picture just ahead of the green jacket guy. I was looking down wearing a surgical mask with a black jacket.

As I got clear from the front desk, I walk by the main floor but I walk to the right side saw there are some rooms there. First room Eksonic logo near the door, saw Kerry right by the door matter of fact he didn't even got the setup ready when I enter the room (BTW first person in this booth aside from Joe and Kerry). Kerry asked me which one would like you to hear Aeras or the T2? I replied Aeras because I just happened to stumble across this thread the day before CanJam, so would like to hear the new product. Kerry even said the SR-009S arrived like one or two days before the meeting, wasn't broken in yet, so I opted to listen to the SR-007MK1 first.

Stax SR-007MK1 -- Aeras (pre-production) volume pot position was around 10-11 o'clock, never heard any electrostatic before this meeting but I am a regular on headfi given that I am on the forum 11 years I read about them. Stax SR-007MK1 leather felt so plush the most comfortable headphone to date, I owned the Sennheiser HD800, HD650 and Hifiman Susvara. I skipped the impression, since I already cover it on CanJam and on the earlier post in this thread. Then, Jack Woo walked in as I was listening to the Aeras as he took a listen next to me on the T2. Then, a few more people came in so I was talking to Kerry and found out my headphone preference kind of mirror's his. Kerry preferred the Stax SR-007MK1 over the SR-009S, on what ground I didn't ask. But, for me is that I always had the Sennheiser HD650 so I had grew to adjust to a more laid-back presentation, the SR-009S is more aggressive I feared that if I am in for a long listening session it will be easier to get fatigue where as the SR-007MK1 just soothe through. Now, a few people came and gone out of the room and I went over to the opposite setup Aeras--> Denaftrips --> Stax SR-009s/007MK1 swap back and forth, SR-009S definitely nails the string instruments better than the SR-007MK1 but the bass goes to the SR-007MK1. I spoke to Kerry for a few more minutes told him I will be back later as the time now is close to 11AM already 1 hour past in this room. At this point I had not heard the T2 yet.

Walking around to each audio booth with the sounds I remember in the Aeras sound as the benchmark for this meeting, none of the setup I heard can match the sound I heard from the Aeras. So, about 2pm I am back again to Eksonic and T2 is up for listen, so I say hi to Joe I want to hear the T2 as Kerry is taking lunch. While listening the T2 with the SR-007MK1 I heard some strange wrapping or distortion sound that was not heard on the Aeras setup and I looked around, then I saw it was Joe opening up a protein bar wrapper making that sound I felt a bit of relieve I thought the headphone or the T2 burn out of something. At this point the I finally understand why almost everyone who heard the T2 said it was the legendary amp it is and it is true to what I heard as well.

Almost forgot a critical impression why I thought the SR-009S/T2 was the best in the show in term of everything, but the bass was simply the best that including subwoofer plus the rumbling effects. I never spoke about the setup, it was critical as no one else said this in CanJam's impression the lost details. The T2 and Aeras (pre-production) --> DIY DAC --> Roon this roon actually sourcing to both of the amp, so when a gentlemen walks in I hand over the tablet over let him select a track, if anyone can identify this I would be appreciated it too "test track ==? starts with Mexxxxxx? Probably 8-10 letters one continuous word not sure if that is the artist or album, but the bass was dropping on the Stax-SR009S non-stop I thought I heard cannon shot this track don't have any lyrics just percussion instruments the whole track. After that track I took off the Stax-SR009S for head break I can't take it anymore the impact but the speed of the impact and continuous bass making it the best for what I heard.

Spoke to Kerry afterward about how the Aeras is more prone to shipping damage as it is much lighter to throw further away, forgot Tom came back with Kerry after their lunch. Two guys came in as they sat down the Aeras (pre-production) smells funny I still don't know what the exact problem is, smell like burn out tube Kerry took it out of demo I think it was like 2:30pm-3pm now. I went listen to the Aeras (protype) before I wanted to go home as I didn't eat lunch at this point. Here is my story, sorry to taken over your thread Kerry.

Side note: T2 volume knob was at 10o' clock position for my listening demo.
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Feb 28, 2022 at 6:09 PM Post #30 of 303
Thank you so much for all the kind words.

To clarify, the Aeras on the left side table was a prototype in regard to chassis details but was current finished production inside while the one on the table with the T-2 was current finish and look of the production Aeras.

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