CanJam Singapore 2024 Impressions Thread (April 6-7, 2024)
Apr 10, 2024 at 12:24 AM Post #151 of 206
For those who tried Melodic Artification Alter Ego, can tell if its semi-open design affects ambient noise isolation negatively??

The EXT is exceptionally well insulated throughout and is a semi open, I expect it to be a similar case, isolating outside noise is something important to me :)

More or less it's seal like VE EXT. Better isolation than other IEM like Fir Radon 6 or Softears Turii Ti.
Apr 10, 2024 at 8:37 AM Post #152 of 206
Hola Guys,

I have finally landed back safely in India and the first thing I did was arrange this video which is edited by my friend. It was like a dream come true visiting CanJam Singapore. Singapore itself is such a beautiful city, but going there just to spend a good time meeting like-minded people and exploring an endless realm of HiFi audio gear, this feeling is something special. In today’s video, I share my Day 1 coverage of the event. Sadly, I couldn’t complete everything on both days, but hey you can’t blame me there were endless things to explore haha.

I hope you guys enjoy this video, do leave me a like if you actually do, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!!

Apr 10, 2024 at 9:31 AM Post #153 of 206
Hola Guys,

I have finally landed back safely in India and the first thing I did was arrange this video which is edited by my friend. It was like a dream come true visiting CanJam Singapore. Singapore itself is such a beautiful city, but going there just to spend a good time meeting like-minded people and exploring an endless realm of HiFi audio gear, this feeling is something special. In today’s video, I share my Day 1 coverage of the event. Sadly, I couldn’t complete everything on both days, but hey you can’t blame me there were endless things to explore haha.

I hope you guys enjoy this video, do leave me a like if you actually do, and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel!!

Thanks for the video! Makes me feel like I'm actually there! Definitely have to make it down for the next one~
Apr 10, 2024 at 9:38 AM Post #154 of 206
Thanks for the video! Makes me feel like I'm actually there! Definitely have to make it down for the next one~
Thanks a lot man, I will be posting the second day mostly in 1-2 days time as I got a lot of pending work in 1 week of holiday that I spent at SG during the event haha(And hey i am still a lot tired from all the travelling).
Apr 10, 2024 at 10:21 AM Post #155 of 206
For those who tried Melodic Artification Alter Ego, can tell if its semi-open design affects ambient noise isolation negatively??

The EXT is exceptionally well insulated throughout and is a semi open, I expect it to be a similar case, isolating outside noise is something important to me :)
I was actually convinced the ventilation is just a novelty factor (which I really like), it seal very tight in my ears.
Apr 10, 2024 at 10:26 AM Post #156 of 206

Short impression of few gears I managed to try at CJ Singapore 2024

1. UM Mason Soleil Tombe
Great looking iem but coming from Red Halo (RH), its rather disappointing. Its not an upgrade i wanted. Imaging is an improvement and treble is better controlled but it sounds muffled compared to RH. It also misses RH mid magic.

2. Fitear Creator, owned by @RonaldS86
Lovely iem with outstanding clean vocal. Very2 capable bass, huge soundstage and totl details.
It also feels very solid physically.

3. 7th Acoustics Asteria
Supernova on steroids. It still maintain Supernova safe tuning and sweet vocal but with bigger and punchier bass - and totl details.

4. Noble Apollo
Amazing wireless headphone and for me, it dethrones Bathys as the best bluetooth headphone. Comfortable, very good bass and excellent instrument separation. Not sure if its placebo effect, but it sounds slightly incoherent where bass and upper mid feels to come from diff direction. Tbh, it doesnt distract me enough to be able to enjoy it.

5. AVARA custom
Beautiful shell, simply piece of art! The owner, Alvon explained, its made from real wood and the process of making one takes 1 week.

6. Luxury Precision E7
Possibly the best R2R dap I’ve ever heard. It has that smooth laid back while still being detailed and snappy.
Its surprisingly heavy though. It’s not much lighter than Shanling M9+ that I have.

7. Symphonium Titan
Bassy iem tuned right. I really love the subbass quantity and bass texture - without muddying the mid. Treble is also sparkle enough but non offensive. Possibly the star of the show for me.

8. Melodic Artification Alter Ego
Beautiful iem from a new Chinese company. It offers 2x tuning: one is warm-neutral and another is warm warm. I prefer the later tuning. Tight and fast bass, spacious with nice mid.

9. Elysian Pilgrim Noir & OG
Og feels like a baby Anni. Tuned to be more neutral with slightly more forward upper mid but without being sibilance. It’s the best iem under $500 I’ve ever heard.

Noir is bassier and warmer - treble isnt as forward. Its more fun that og. Bass texture is definitely a step up from the og.

10. Subtonic Storm & Symp Sovereign 8w Combo
I’ve tried Sym Sov 8w proto before but the connectors were still 3d printed and too large - so I didnt manage to get good fit.
Now, with the final connectors, it fits alot better. It’s still a heavy cable (and expensive) but the sound improvement is amazing. It sounds grandeur, the soundstage clears up, imaging is more precise. Excellent companion to Storm.

11. ATH Narukami & W2022
Firstly, thanks @RonaldS86 for asking me to come along - since I forgot to book one.
Its definitely the most expensive headphone setup I’ve ever tried at eye watering $100k (for amp + headphone).
The music played was the usual Hotel California which i listened plenty of times before (didnt we all do at one point in this hobby?).
The intro was crazy good - the guitar strum sounds so natural and vivid. When the vocal came in, it sounds so so sweet and natural. Soundstage is spacious. Tuning wise, its more mid focus and bass is slightly shy.

Next, I tried W2022 - unfortunately, i dont field it pairs well with the amp. Compared to Naru, its bass is more forward and punch hard but it sounds muffled and compressed.

While it was great to have opportuniy to try all of these gears, for me, the highlight was to meet many members here in person: @AxLvR,@metaljem77, @HiFiHawaii808, @Deezel177 and others. It made my 1st CJ experience memorable 😄

Physically impressive looking headphone amplifier. Do they include a forklift to lift the W2022 at the retail price? 🙄
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Apr 10, 2024 at 11:45 AM Post #157 of 206
Hey everyone. Vian here

Just wanna drop a few impressions from my one day attending Canjam Singapore 2024; I've been planning on going back home to Jakarta for the Hari Raya holidays, but I couldn't miss Canjam for the world, so I booked my flight on the 7th so I can at least spend the 6th attending LOL (FYI I live in Batam Island, Indonesia, which is an hour away from Singapore via Ferry)

My main priorities were definitely IEMs, so much so that I skipped almost everything else altogether so I can maximize my time demoing whatever IEM I can get my hands on. I'm not gonna bore everyone by writing up my impressions on everything that I tried, so I'll write about 4 of my personal favorites at the show.

1. Symphonium Titan
I was pretty hyped about the Titan because the old Triton, which is also a hybrid IEM by Symphonium, was actually my favorite of their IEM's I tried last year. I was pretty surprised to realize that the Titan leans towards how the Crimson was tuned but with the added benefits of having a DD handle the lower frequencies. It's now my favorite Symphonium Audio model to date, beating out the Crimson. The Crimson might still win with regards to technical performance, but the Titan was just a more fun listen in comparison.

2. 7th Acoustics Asteria
Of course, I gotta shill a little bit for my local hero. Apparently, the prototype being shown in this Canjam is a completely different configuration compared to the prototype that was shown at Portable Audio Party Indonesia (PAPI) 2023 held back in December; The old prototype was an all-BA setup (17BA per side IIRC) while the one we got in Canjam is a DD/BA Hybrid (2DD+10BA per side IIRC). Boy, was this new prototype impressive. The best way I would describe the sound is that it's the Supernova cranked up to 11 with added benefits in the bass region by deploying DDs in the configuration, similar to the Symphonium Titan.

3. Tanchjim Origin
I don't think any particular booth had these to demo per se; Timmy of Gizaudio, who was manning the Hifigo booth for the entirely of day 1, brought his personal unit and offered me a chance to try them. Knowing that my tastes align with his historically, I had high hopes and boy, do these IEMs deliver. Easily my new 1DD IEM on the market today. Incredible performance from a 1DD IEM; so energetic yet so well controlled. Dare I'd say that they outperform some hybrid IEMs around its price point (around USD 200)

4. DUNU x Gizaudio DaVinci
Saving the best for last. I'll say it right now; this will be my next IEM purchase when it comes out in a few weeks' time (words from Yumu of Hifigo. Yes, she was there. Yes, she's a real person LOL). The best way I would describe it is that it takes the sound signature of the Binary Acoustics x Gizaudio Chopin, which was the previous collaboration IEM Timmy of Gizaudio made and improve it based on the feedback from the community, which as far as I can see it, mostly revolves around the mid-bass tuning; the Chopin does that "Harman thing" where it tucks the mid-bass, resulting in a very clear but very thin sounding midrange. In fact, he improved it so much so that it's the first thing that jumped out when I was trying it for the first time; just how full-bodied and hard hitting the bass response is. The midrange and treble, I feel like, was left largely untouched but the changes in the bass response definitely had an impact to how they were perceived; they felt more refined compared to the Chopin which felt brighter and forward in comparison.

Overall, Canjam SG 2024 was an absolute blast; I get to try plenty of IEMs, I get to interact with fellow enthusiasts as well as the big names in the industry, and just have a good time overall. My personal favorite moment was persuading Jude, who happens to be hanging around the Hifigo booth, to try out the DaVinci and seeing him smirk in excitement as he was demoing it.

Can't wait for next year already!
Apr 10, 2024 at 12:11 PM Post #158 of 206
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Apr 10, 2024 at 1:35 PM Post #159 of 206
I was actually convinced the ventilation is just a novelty factor (which I really like), it seal very tight in my ears.
More or less it's seal like VE EXT. Better isolation than other IEM like Fir Radon 6 or Softears Turii Ti.

Great! I'm looking forward to knowing more details about this iem, if its isolation is good it's definitely on my radar, although it's true that Ruby also has my full attention :)

I hope they both turn out great iems :)
Apr 10, 2024 at 2:29 PM Post #160 of 206
Short impression of few gears I managed to try at CJ Singapore 2024

1. UM Mason Soleil Tombe
Great looking iem but coming from Red Halo (RH), its rather disappointing. Its not an upgrade i wanted. Imaging is an improvement and treble is better controlled but it sounds muffled compared to RH. It also misses RH mid magic.


2. Fitear Creator, owned by @RonaldS86
Lovely iem with outstanding clean vocal. Very2 capable bass, huge soundstage and totl details.
It also feels very solid physically.

3. 7th Acoustics Asteria
Supernova on steroids. It still maintain Supernova safe tuning and sweet vocal but with bigger and punchier bass - and totl details.

4. Noble Apollo
Amazing wireless headphone and for me, it dethrones Bathys as the best bluetooth headphone. Comfortable, very good bass and excellent instrument separation. Not sure if its placebo effect, but it sounds slightly incoherent where bass and upper mid feels to come from diff direction. Tbh, it doesnt distract me enough to be able to enjoy it.

5. AVARA custom
Beautiful shell, simply piece of art! The owner, Alvon explained, its made from real wood and the process of making one takes 1 week.

6. Luxury Precision E7
Possibly the best R2R dap I’ve ever heard. It has that smooth laid back while still being detailed and snappy.
Its surprisingly heavy though. It’s not much lighter than Shanling M9+ that I have.

7. Symphonium Titan
Bassy iem tuned right. I really love the subbass quantity and bass texture - without muddying the mid. Treble is also sparkle enough but non offensive. Possibly the star of the show for me.

8. Melodic Artification Alter Ego
Beautiful iem from a new Chinese company. It offers 2x tuning: one is warm-neutral and another is warm warm. I prefer the later tuning. Tight and fast bass, spacious with nice mid.

9. Elysian Pilgrim Noir & OG
Og feels like a baby Anni. Tuned to be more neutral with slightly more forward upper mid but without being sibilance. It’s the best iem under $500 I’ve ever heard.

Noir is bassier and warmer - treble isnt as forward. Its more fun that og. Bass texture is definitely a step up from the og.

10. Subtonic Storm & Symp Sovereign 8w Combo
I’ve tried Sym Sov 8w proto before but the connectors were still 3d printed and too large - so I didnt manage to get good fit.
Now, with the final connectors, it fits alot better. It’s still a heavy cable (and expensive) but the sound improvement is amazing. It sounds grandeur, the soundstage clears up, imaging is more precise. Excellent companion to Storm.

11. ATH Narukami & W2022
Firstly, thanks @RonaldS86 for asking me to come along - since I forgot to book one.
Its definitely the most expensive headphone setup I’ve ever tried at eye watering $100k (for amp + headphone).
The music played was the usual Hotel California which i listened plenty of times before (didnt we all do at one point in this hobby?).
The intro was crazy good - the guitar strum sounds so natural and vivid. When the vocal came in, it sounds so so sweet and natural. Soundstage is spacious. Tuning wise, its more mid focus and bass is slightly shy.

Next, I tried W2022 - unfortunately, i dont field it pairs well with the amp. Compared to Naru, its bass is more forward and punch hard but it sounds muffled and compressed.



While it was great to have opportuniy to try all of these gears, for me, the highlight was to meet many members here in person: @AxLvR,@metaljem77, @HiFiHawaii808, @Deezel177 and others. It made my 1st CJ experience memorable 😄

What’s that flower headphone called?
Apr 10, 2024 at 6:25 PM Post #162 of 206
Apr 10, 2024 at 9:36 PM Post #163 of 206
Which was more detailed with better resolution between pilgrim og and noir?
I’ll be blunt to say that the OG is a tad bit dry compared to the more energetic Noir. So OG give that impression of details.
Apr 11, 2024 at 2:05 AM Post #164 of 206
Is there anymore impression of ath-wb Ltd?
I tried for a while , typical audio technical house sound. Feels cupped , echoey ... it didn't feel like it worth the asking price.

I tried a few headphones at this canjam , some amazed me others kinda underwhelming.

Amazing ones are
spirit torino
Final audio d8000
Stax SR-X1 (for its price esp)

Focal utopia /Clear Mg
Ath WB ltd
DCA expanse - sounds very dull on burson conductor amp , bad pairing i guess
zmf atrium

Mixed feelings

Abyss tc 1266 - great but kinda bright.
Apr 11, 2024 at 2:20 AM Post #165 of 206
Hey everyone,

I wanted share the video I shot on my phone at CanJam 2024 Singapore! Originally, I didn't plan on taking my camera for any pictures or videos, but the event was so fantastic that I couldn't resist capturing some moments.

This video covers just a very small part of the show, as there was so much more I wish I could've experienced. I was busy chatting with fellow audiophiles, friends, and having a great time, but I think the video still captures the overall atmosphere quite well.

Singapore is such a vibrant city, and I'm glad I had the chance to visit. For my next CanJam, I'll definitely be more organized and prepare a schedule so I can make the most of it.

I hope you guys enjoy the video.


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