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New Head-Fier
CVJ KE-S & CVJ TXS: How are these so cheap?
Pros: Very affordable
Comes with a decent set of ear tips
Lightweight, comfortable fit
Fun tonality
Fun bass with decent qualities
Very engaging and forward female vocals
Treble is bright and sparkly
Decently smooth treble with only mild peaks
Tuning switches (TXS)
Cons: No included pouch or case
Cheap, plasticky build
Somewhat recessed midrange
Female vocals can be harsh and veil
Thin note weight and density at lower midrange
Subpar technicalities
Tuning switches doesn't change much (TXS)

  • Very affordable
  • Comes with a decent set of ear tips
  • Lightweight, comfortable fit
  • Fun tonality
  • Fun bass with decent qualities
  • Very engaging and forward female vocals
  • Treble is bright and sparkly
  • Decently smooth treble with only mild peaks
  • Tuning switches (TXS)

  • No included pouch or case
  • Cheap, plasticky build
  • Somewhat recessed midrange
  • Female vocals can be harsh and veil
  • Thin note weight and density at lower midrange
  • Subpar technicalities
  • Tuning switches doesn't change much (TXS)

  • Huge thanks to CVJ for providing the opportunity for me to review the CVJ KE-S and CVJ TXS. I really do appreciate it. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own, and are not influenced in any way.
  • Both of the IEMs sound quite similar. Therefore, I decided to write about both in the same article, as I think it is a little redundant to release 2 very similar articles.


  • CVJ KE-S: $10
  • CVJ TXS: $12


  • Jcally JM6 Pro
  • Truthear Shio
Ear tips
  • Dunu S&S

  • CVJ KE-S
    • Comes with a barebone set of accessories
      • IEM.
        • Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (M sized)
      • Decent selection of ear tips.
        • 2 pairs of silicone ear tips (S, L)
          • The stock ear tips are actually quite comfortable for me, they are soft and sounds pretty decent.
      • 4N OFC cable woven with Kevlar fiber
        • Feels cheap but it is soft and doesn't tangle often.
        • Ear hooks are soft as well.

    • Comes with a barebone set of accessories
      • IEM.
        • Attached to 1 pair of silicone ear tips (M sized)
      • Decent selection of ear tips.
        • 2 pairs of silicone ear tips (S, L)
          • The stock ear tips are actually quite comfortable for me, they are soft and sounds pretty decent.
      • High purity OFC cable
        • Decent at first look, but they feel surprisingly cheap. I did not like the feel of them.
        • Ear hooks are stiffer than the ones in KE-S
      • Switch control tool

Build Quality
  • Plasticky, lightweight shell. Feels and looks very cheap.
  • KE-S
    • Nozzle width and length is quite average.
    • Fit is quite comfortable for me, very lightweight so I don't feel much on my ears.
    • Ear hooks shape is a bit weird and long but it is soft so it doesn't actually bother me too much.
  • TXS
    • Nozzle width and length is quite average.
    • Fit is decent, lightweight but isn't super comfortable like the KE-S.
    • Ear hooks shape is a bit weird and long, but in this case, the ear hooks are stiffer than the one in KE-S, therefore irritating me a bit more.

  • V shaped.
  • For the TXS, I don't hear a very apparent difference for the tuning switch settings. Therefore, I go with the default setting for both being down.

  • Quite balanced between the sub bass and mid bass, but mid bass is slightly more prominent here.
  • Fun and impactful. Have good slam, rumble and decent depth.
  • Bass texture and definition are average as expected, plus the speed and decay is a little on the slower side, which makes it a little harder to keep up with very busy tracks.
  • Not the most well controlled bass too, bleeds a little into the midrange.
  • Surprisingly, for KE-S, it has decent sub bass extension for the extra rumble.
  • The TXS is lacking a little bit of that extra rumble.
  • Quantity of bass is quite huge, may even be sufficient for some bass heads!
  • Midrange is somewhat recessed, making it quite scooped after the initial bleed.
  • Male vocals and instruments in the lower midrange are pushed back, sounding a bit too distant to my liking.
  • Higher female vocals and instruments in the upper midrange on the other hand, are very forward and energetic, but it is a little too aggressive for me, making them sounding too veil and shouty.
  • The TXS isn't as bad as the KE-S in this aspect but still suffers from similar issue.
  • Timbre is not the most natural as there is some bass bleed and veil-ness but is decently acceptable for a V shaped signature at this price range.
  • Note weight and density are decent everywhere else other than the lower midrange which is kind of thin.
  • Treble is on the brighter side.
  • Not the smoothest treble as it comes with some sibilance but far from the worst I've heard.
  • Treble extension is ... subpar. Basically no sense of airiness. However, the KE-S is a touch better in terms of treble extension if I had to pick one.
  • Details in treble are subpar, cymbals sound blunted and smeared but this is to be expected from something in this price range.



  • Resolution and detail retrieval are average. However, I think this is fairly acceptable considering that this only costs $10 - $12.

  • Soundstage is somewhat cramped, doesn't sound wide or deep in any way.

  • Imaging is also subpar, sound can be distinguished for left and right but struggles in other directions.

  • Separation and layering is average.
  • Suffers a bit during busy tracks but generally does alright for not-so-busy tracks



  • Accessories: While the TXS stock cable may seem a bit more premium at first sight, KE-S has a softer cable with softer ear hooks, and the KE-S fits better on my ears. The TXS on the other hand has tuning switching but those are more of a gimmick.
  • Bass: KE-S has better sub bass extension, which gives a little bit more rumble. Other than that, there isn't much noticeable difference between them.
  • Midrange: Both are also quite similar in this aspect, while still being a little aggressive, the upper midrange on the TXS is slightly less veil and shouty.
  • Treble: While both are bright and sparkly, having a similar smoothness as well, the KE-S has a slightly better upper treble extension.
  • Technicalities: Both are very similar in this aspect.
  • Overall, I would personally KE-S due to its better fit, cable and sonic presentation. However, the difference between them are not day and night.


  • Despite all cons, these only cost around $10, therefore I think most of the cons are forgivable because of the price.
  • As a conclusion, I think both are actually quite good for the price. They are fun sounding IEMs with some spiciness to it but lacks quite a bit in terms of technicalities.
  • Personally, I would go for the KE-S as it is cheaper, has a softer cable with softer ear hooks, and a better fit for my ears.
  • However, if you're looking for a more relaxed or neutral signature with good technicalities, I suggest looking for something else.

Thanks for reading!


New Head-Fier
CVJ TXS - A New Switching Era
Pros: Nicely Executed Mild U-Shape Tuning
Great Price/Performance Ratio - punches above its price mark
Versatile Usage - multiple tunings
Good Fit and Isolation
Fine Aesthetics
Cons: Price Point Setbacks - lower Technicalities; -narrower Soundstage
Not a Perfect Timbre
Treble is not extended nor Airy
Phone Mode is too unbalanced
Low Quality Accessories
Greetings fellow audio enthusiasts,

Today I'll be reviewing CVJ's new ultra budget IEM with tuning switches, the TXS. It carries a single Dynamic-Driver under its hood to deliver 3 variations of a U-shape sound signature.

In this review I'll take a different approach in reviewing an IEM. This is due to the nature of the tuning switches that offer 3 mildly different tunings, for 3 different suggested uses: Cell Phone Mode (media and calls), Gaming Mode and HiFi Mode.
This unit was sent over to me by CVJ for an honest review, of whom I thank for the trust and honor.


When playing around with an IEM like this I often found myself testing all the modes in music performance, running a playlist with varied best-of's of each genre I enjoy and take as good masterings. I then conclude upon the signatures characteristics and what it best suits in terms of music library as well as gaming usages.

Consequently I'll address each tuning as if it was a different IEM, first contrasting each one against the other in music reproduction, then followed by my own take on what I actually enjoy using that tuning mode for. Please keep in mind the tuning differences are not ultra pronounced on the TXS but I am quite sensitive to the ranges where the switches make the most changes, and just a couple of decibels can mean a lot in comfort/discomfort for me.

PHONE Mode - "Hey OH!"

I'll deliver the bad news quickly and painlessly: I didn't enjoy the Phone Call Mode. It is too fatiguing for me, being "too much" all over, all the time - remarking to an abrupt U, almost V shape signature, but your mileage may vary.

Phone Mode has quite the amount of Sub bass that it can cake up the whole bass domain with rumble, masking details and acting unreal. However, the Midbass here forages close to basshead territory or at least around its front gates, meaning it is packing quite some intense slam.

The Lower Mids are similar feeling between all modes, and appear standardly mildly recessed across them. We can notice that the male voices don't cut through the mix as well as females' do; and there is a bit of note weight missing. But that is all! This would be mostly nitpicking as this is the common caveat of all IEMs of this shape of sound signature.

With the Phone Mode you are getting the most forward Upper Mids version of all 3 modes. It can become uncomfortable on the percussion and blowing instruments for me (I'm pinna gain sensitive) as these higher mids push the limits of naturality.

The TXS has a relaxed Treble overall, so you can rest assured of the inexistence of sibilance, but have no expectation of an airy or sparkly experience. I find the treble extension and resolution to be the weakest link of this set, but at the same time it becomes a safe bet for most listeners.

Putting this Mode to the use it was intended for, voice calls sound muddy and peaky, therefore not comfortable for the intended use.

Whereas this mode was not very comfortable for me at all, I was immediately surprised when my opinion quickly changed upon testing the other two tuning modes!

Never fatally judge anything by your first impressions! I was in for a treat.

HiFi Mode - Flattening the Signature

On HiFi mode it puts the foot off the gas in the Bass domain, coming closer to a harman style bass, with less sub bass and Midbass when compared to the remaining modes.
In no way does this setting reveal any more details in the bass region, but it does balance out the sound signature a bit more, leaving in some space for mids to breathe through.

On HiFI Mode the Mids are the least intense of all modes, maybe a couple of less db when comparing to Game Mode, I mean the differences are really tiny here, but it proved to be just enough of a difference to make it less fatiguing and a tinier bit more natural in timbre, specially on snares.

The Treble on HiFi Mode is also the less active of all modes, but the difference is minimal and somewhat negligible. The only difference I noted was that on HiFI Mode the hi-hats and cymbals are a tad lesh harsh, which for me was quite important - I can get quite distracted by sizzling sounds, and this mode smoothed out my listening experience.

Personal Experience: The combination of a substantially flatted out bass, a polished yet forward Mid range performance, and a smoothed out treble have culminated in a mode that behaves more Mid-Centric. This way the TXS suddenly became more suited for competitive gaming instead of the actual Gaming Mode, as it focuses attention more towards the midrange than any of the other tuning modes. And we know that footsteps can be more easily distinguished from other sounds if the frequency range where they mostly perform is the focus of the tuning. Of course there is more than that to make a good gaming set, keep in mind this is a low cost entry set.


I also enjoyed it the best for phone calls as it didn't sound peaky nor piercing with both male and female people on the other side of the line.

Gaming Mode - The Virtue is Amongst Us

Now in Gaming Mode is where I enjoy it the most for music, as it settles in a consensus between the Phone and HiFi Mode.
Here, the Sub Bass rumbles but doesn't blur the Midbass, which itself has enough punch to throw at you for days. In all seriousness, here you get a good subbass to midbass ratio that makes things engaging and fun without sacrificing the midrange clarity too much.

The Mids forwardness is just enough to bring some lushness to the TXS, not as much as in Phone Mode, so it doesn't go shouty. Again, the lower mids are similar feeling to other modes.

The Treble behaves just like the HiFi Mode here, with ZERO complaints!

I found out that performing as a Medium U Shape IEM is how the TXS best shines, coming through as a hell-of-a fun and competent IEM bargain. This mode is fun, engaging and shouldn't be overlooked for music listening. I also found myself picking it up for single player immersive gaming and media consumption.

I usually leave the IEM in this mode and I consider it the "standard" and most versatile one.

General Technicalities

Soundstage-wise it is still competitive on its price range, however performing within limited width and height. It has more height than width. The sense of Depth is emphasized by the TXS' engaging signature, which feels immersive.

Being a warmer set in nature and reminding myself of its price point, I find the Detail Retrieval and Imaging are adequate for the price bracket, meeting the expectations. Do not expect all your ear candy to be portrayed at the upper frequencies nor the best instrument separation on the busier tracks.


Fit is impressive for achieving awesome isolation, although the comfort on the edges of the shell is not so good, so I wasn't able to withstand more than 2 hours of continuous use. I suspect this has to do with my own ear lobe shape.

Aesthetics and Build Quality

Feels light, but the build quality comes across as reliable, and I love the confidence shown by going with transparent shells. The switches are durable if care is taken when handling them, always using the provided tool or something similar.
The TXS' included accessories (tips and cable) are underwhelming and of inferior quality, but understandable given the cost. When shopping for an IEM at this price range I'd rather have it like so, as it makes me feel that most of the money is going into the IEM, not the extras.


Final Words

I haven't tried any CVJ IEM before but this has surprised me positively. At this price point the quality punches above its price mark, with pleasing and not very abrupt variations of its tuning when resorting to the tuning switches. Technicalities and a perfectly natural timbre are not to be expected here, specially at this price, but nevertheless the TXS is no slouch - it doesn't sound canny nor low in resolution. I kept forgetting I was listening to a sub 20$, and that is a good sign!

Additionally, the fact you can adapt the IEM to the intended usage is a big plus. One day you can feel like you need that extra dynamics and fun signature and the following day you can have a mellowed out more neutral response when listening to music. Or if you feel like jumping into a quick gaming session without having to change your whole audio setup, no problem! - just tweak a switch and off you go!

I invite people who have tried CVJ products in the past to revisit the brand just to be surprised by their new standard of quality. I foresee good times ahead for CVJ, and I bid them good luck.

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100+ Head-Fier
$12 tuning switch trial
Pros: well tuned general user tuning,
good build quality for the price,
tuning switch at 12$ band,
as cheap as 2 cups of coffee
Cons: lacking in sound character brought by the price band (without detail and slightly metallic),
bad cable,
the tuning key doesn't work very well,
box contents
last year's fashion tuning key, we've seen this feature go down to the $50 band before. this feature went down to the $25 band with kz d-fi, so cvj exaggerated the event and added this feature to a $12 iems. i am with this model today, here is the cvj txs with tuning key


who is cvj?
The company, which has been successful especially with the csn model, but has recently shown a distant look from the old days. they are currently launching new products, thank you for sending me this review item for free.

what's in the box?

It comes with a tiny box. I would like budget segment iems to come like this.

- adjustment switch that looks like a sim pin
- iems
- silicone tips
- warranty card
- quality control pass card
- user guide





build quality;

The material quality of the earphones, which are made of plastic, is good, especially for the price. I was very curious especially where the adjustment keys are, the build quality there is fine too. The cable represents the budget segment of the iems, it's normal.





sound quality;

The sound quality of the iems is really well tuned for the average user, I've tried many in the budget segment. The tuning is successful, and the budget segment stands out when it comes to technique.

low frequencies;

The best part of the iems is the bass is good. sharpness they are really good, although sometimes there is a medium bass bleed, it should be noted that it is 12$.

medium frequencies;

Some instruments have good detail in recessed, not overly complicated songs. When the pieces start to mix, the budget segment reveals itself again. there is also a lack of naturalness in the mid frequencies, making it feel slightly metallic. female vocals are also a bit in the background.


not tiring, that is, not bright. As with the mid frequencies, they play normally if the track isn't too messy. they are still without details, the budget feature comes into play here as well.



For uncomplicated songs, mid-range detail is good for its price, but overall it's as detailed as a $12 iems.

experience with tuning keys;

I could only feel the bass difference and a small treble difference between the upper and lower tuning. maybe even a placebo because if someone had given me this iems by changing the position of the switches, I probably wouldn't have noticed the setting on the switches. they don't work well enough.


I tried changing the setting with another object, I think I did some damage


sound stage;

it has a slightly narrow soundstage, so you feel like it's playing close to you.


Absolutely fine, better than most. I have a lot of iems and they are one of the most comfortable. Although the silicone tip on it is a little hard, the overall structure of the earphone is very comfortable because it is light. Although not as tangzu waner, it has a comfort close to it.

last word;

A nice try for $12, a iems that appeals to the general audience with its general sound character. comfort is also good, I can recommend it to people who have just entered the earphone hobby. You can order from here.

cvj store


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